M3E2 2024

11th International Conference on
Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy
Kyiv, UKRAINE, October 10, 2024


Monitoring, Modeling & Management of Emergent Economy (M3E2) is a peer-reviewed international conference focusing on research advances and applications of nonlinear dynamics methods, econophysics and complex systems methodology of emergent economy.

M3E2 welcomes contributions in all areas of Computational Finance, Econometrics, Risk Management, Statistical Finance, Trading and Market Microstructure, as well Machine Learning technologies, tools, paradigms, and models relevant to modern financial engineering and technological decisions in the modern era. There is an urgent general need for fundamental changes in the post-classical economy caused by current models, tools, services, networks, and IT communication. Join us, share your best practices, and envision your future actions at the forefront of the high-tech economy.

Topics of interest

  1. Complex Cyberphysical Systems, Synergetics, Econophysics
  2. Economy of Agents and Reflexive Management
  3. Machine and Deep Learning Methods in Complex Systems Modelling
  4. Natural Language Processing and Generative AI
  5. Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Applications to Economic Systems
  6. Econometric Models and Methods
  7. Decision Making and Risk-Management Models in Business and Management
  8. Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting for Sustainable Development
  9. Data Mining Apps
  10. Big Data Analytics and Processing


The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University State university of economics and technology Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Odessa National Economic University State university of trade and economics / Kyiv national university of trade and economics
Politechnika Gdańska Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Conference languages

Conference Languages: English, Ukraine

Language for submission of materials: English


The conference will be held in a hybrid format (offline and online). All materials are in electronic format.

Invited papers will have to be presented at the plenary and sectional sessions of the conference in a mixed (offline and online) format.

Participation in the conference requires covering organizational costs in the amount of 2000 UAH (45 euros) per team of authors for each article accepted for publication.

Publication of materials

The conference materials will be published in the book series Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Powered Applications (SAIPA) by Springer with subsequent submission for indexing in Scopus.

Also, the authors of selected papers using the tools of neural networks or fuzzy sets will be offered to publish them free of charge in a Scopus-indexed journal Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics.

Note that the materials of all M3E2 conferences since 2019 have been indexed in Scopus.

Calls for papers

It is recommended to submit full (and original research) papers (no less than 10 and no more than 15 pages) on the conference topics.

The webpage for submissions to the M3E2 2024 conference can be found at by link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=m3e2-2024

The deadline for submissions is September 08, 2024.

Submitted articles will be reviewed by two reviewers on the basis of eligibility, relevance, originality, significance and clarity.

A third, additional reviewer will be involved if necessary.

The Program Committee Chairs will determine, based on these reviews, which articles will be accepted for presentation at the conference.

The results of the review will be communicated to the authors by e-mail along with the reviewer's comments, if any.

Accepted submissions are planned to be published in the book series Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Powered Applications (SAIPA), an IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Artificial Intelligence Applications https://www.springer.com/series/17457.

Primary requirements

Submissions must be:

  1. Substantially correct and well-substantiated.
  2. Original (not published partially or fully elsewhere and not presented on other platforms for simultaneous consideration).
  3. Presented at the conference (at least one author of each paper must be present).
  4. Aligned with the scope of M3E2 2024.

No more than two articles will be accepted from a single author.

Each article should have no more than five authors, and it is desirable to include a representative from a foreign university or organization in the team of authors.

The bibliography should contain at least 10 references.

Self-citation should not exceed 10%.

Authors should use the MS Word Template available for download (Word+Template.zip).

For detailed guidelines, authors can refer to the Information for Authors https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/publish-a-book/step-by-step-conference-proceedings.

Authors are encouraged to contact the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for all aspects of publication ethics (http://publicationethics.org) and strictly adhere to ethical guidelines.

Important dates

08/09/2024 Deadline for submitting materials for participation in the Conference
09/09/2024 Members of the program committee begin to work with the submitted materials
20/09/2024 Author's work based on expert comments
30/09/2024 Information on submission of materials - Final version
10/10/2024 Start of the Conference
Conference Program

Program & Organizing committee

Abuselidze, George Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Georgia
Bezkorovainyi, Vitalii Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine
Bi, Shuochen U.S. Bank, Boston USA
Cernisevs, Olegs SIA StarBridge Latvia
Danylchuk, Hanna The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy Ukraine
Derbentsev, Vasily Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine
Dimitrov, Slavi University of Veliko Tаrnovo Bulgaria
Gorzelanczyk, Piotr Stanislaw Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła Poland
Grigoroi, Lilia Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova Moldova
Guryanova, Lidiya Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics Ukraine
Horal, Liliana Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Ukraine
Hostryk, Oleksii Odessa National Economic University Ukraine
Hryhoruk, Pavlo Khmelnytskyi National University Ukraine
Hushko, Serhii State University of Economics and Technology Ukraine
Idrian, Piotr Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences, Skierniewice Poland
Imanov, Gorkhmaz Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education Azerbaijan
Jurkovič, Martin University of Žilina, Žilina Slovakia
Kaminskyi, Andrii University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA
Khrushch, Nila Khmelnytskyi National University Ukraine
Kibalnyk, Liubov The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy Ukraine
Kmytiuk, Tetiana Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine
Komorowski, Piotr Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw Poland
Kucherova, Hanna State University of Economics and Technology Ukraine
Lewandowska, Hanna Akademia Nauk Stosowanych, Skierniewice Poland
Maksyshko, Nataliia Zaporizhzhia National University Ukraine
Malaksiano, Mykola Odessa National Maritime University Ukraine
Matviychuk, Andriy chairKyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine
Melnychenko, Oleksandr Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
Melnyk, Oleksiy Odesa National Maritime University Ukraine
Nehrey, Maryna Agricultural Economics and Policy Group, ETH Zurich Switzerland
Onishchenko, Oleg National University “Odessa Maritime Academy“ Ukraine
Petrenko, Liudmyla Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Germany
Popova, Jelena Transport and Telecommunication Institute Latvia
Porokhnya, Vasyl Classic Private University Ukraine
Pursky, Oleg State University of Trade and Economics Ukraine
Rogozińska-Mitrut, Joanna Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku, Szkoła Wyższa Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości Poland
Rose, Michael E. Max Planck Institute for Innovation and CompetitionGermany
Sica, Edgardo Università degli Studi di Foggia Italy
Shmygol, Nadiia Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Soboń, Janusz Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim Poland
Soloviev, Vladimir chairKryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University Ukraine
Solovieva, Victoria chairState University of Economics and Technology Ukraine
Sosedová, Jarmila University of Žilina, Žilina Slovakia
Stonienė, Adelė Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution Lithuania
Tishkov, Bohdan Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine
Velykoivanenko, Galyna Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine

Science committee

Lukianenko, Dmytro Rector of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman Ukraine
Abbasov, Ali Director of Institute of Control Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
Cherevko, Oleksandr Rector of The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy Ukraine
Kovalev, Anatoly Rector of Odessa National Economic University Ukraine
Mazaraki, Anatolii Rector of State university of trade and economics Ukraine
Shaikan, Andrii Acting Rector of State university of economics and technology Ukraine
Shramko, Yaroslav Rector of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University Ukraine
Stratan, Alexandru Rector of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova Moldova
Wilde, Krzysztof Rector of Politechnika Gdańska Poland